Friday, September 12, 2008

Drill down into directory -

'A recursive function that drills down through
'subfolders and checks file information

Public Sub GetFiles(ByVal DirName As String)
'pass in the directory name

Dim d As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(DirName)
'Creating a DirectoryInfo object

Dim f() As FileInfo = d.GetFiles()
'Creating a FileInfo Array, since we
'will have multiple files
'Calling DirectoryInfos GetFiles method
'which returns the array of files
'in the directory

Dim fi As FileInfo
'Creating a single fileinfo object

For Each fi In f
'for each fileinfo object
'in the fileinfo array

If (fi.LastWriteTime.Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") = Today.AddDays(-1).Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")) Then

'Do what ever you want, in my case I'm checking for files modified yesterday

End If


Dim innerFolders As DirectoryInfo
'work on the inner folders

For Each innerFolders In d.GetDirectories()
'call the function again with a new
'directory to check



End Sub

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