Sunday, August 3, 2008

Air Conditioner Nightmare. A/C Nightmare

What a freaking horror story with getting my AC fixed.

So my AC stops cooling. It still blow airs, but not cold air, and the house is at 76 Degrees even though I have the AC pumping at 70 Degrees. My wife tells me that maybe the drain needs some bleach. Never heard of this crazyness, as I never had to tender to an AC unit. I disassembled the unit and then noticed that I could not move the PVC pipe. I received a tip online that it was installed wrong. So I went ahead an poured a little into the pan. The ac still does not cool.

I called a technician. The guy changes the capacitors and some wires in the outside unit, and does not bother to look at the inside unit. He said they are damaged, and needed to be changed, charges $145 (It was on a Sunday so I guess that's okay). He tells me to wait an hour and the house will cool down. I waited an hour but then I noticed a leak in the in AC unit. I called the bastard and he can't return until tommorow. I turned of the AC, and opened up the unit and moved the coil a bit and noticed where the leak was coming from. Went to home depot and they recommended this epoxy thingy. Worked great. Went to bed, and it was nighttime and the day had cooled off, so it was hard to tell if everything was returning to normal.

The next day, I notice that the house temperarture is 76 Degrees, and the AC is on 70 Degrees, while outside Miami wheather is 87 Degress. People kept telling me that it's hard to cool a house down when it's so hot outside, but I say "bullshit". I know that this AC used to cool better. Why can't it get back to 73,72 Degrees in the house.

So I called the same technician, and this time he tells me that the outside fan is spinning backwards and thus not blow out the hot air. He brings a new fan, changes it and charges me $110.00. Tells me to wait an hour. I wait an hour, and still is 76 Degrees and I have it running at 70 Degrees.

I call a friend of a family member recommended to me and notices that the thingys on the side are not letting the air flow. (see pictures below) He glues them and in 1 hour the house is back to normal.
It has been a horrible 2 days, but I learned something about AC units, and I don't plan on calling back the initial tech that did do something, but nothing to fully fix my ac unit.

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